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Breast Reduction FAQ

Breast Reduction Surgery FAQ

Issues including back pain, stress, and an inability to live an active lifestyle can all happen as a result of big breasts, leading as many as 43,000+ women to seek breast reduction surgery annually.

Dr. Klenke understands these struggles and works closely with every patient to provide customized breast reduction solutions that always lead to lifestyle improvements you can trust.

Breast Reduction Surgery FAQ

The benefits of breast reduction, which is also often referred to as reduction mammoplasty, can be incredibly deep-seated and personal for every patient.. 

As with any surgery, taking ample time to decide whether this is the right option for you is crucial. That’s why we’ve put together an extensive breast reduction surgery FAQ that you can return to throughout your journey. 

1. Am I a Good Candidate for Breast Reduction Surgery?

As with any surgery, good breast reduction candidates should be in good physical health and should wait until their breasts are fully developed before undergoing this procedure. Breast reduction also isn’t recommended for women who intend to breastfeed. 

2. What Happens During a Breast Reduction?

Breast reduction surgery involves the removal of excess fat, glandular tissue, and skin from around the breast. We typically perform this process under general anesthesia, and surgery can take anywhere between 2-4 hours depending on the extent of the reduction. 

3. How Many Cup Sizes Can I Go Down During Breast Reduction?

We typically recommend that patients lose around one to two cup sizes. However, specific recommendations depend on factors including breast volume, breast composition, and even general build as discussed throughout consultations. 

4. Are There Any Risks With Breast Reduction Surgery?

Breast surgery is typically safe, though all surgeries carry some risks that are worth being aware of. The complications that most commonly occur with breast reductions include –

  • Infection
  • Loss of nipple sensation
  • Obvious scarring

5. What Does Recovery Involve After Breast Reduction?

A surgical bra will be placed over gauze dressings initially after surgery to minimize the risks of infection. Bandages will be removed around two days after surgery; you’ll be expected to wear your surgical bra for several weeks. Some pain and soreness are expected up to three days after the procedure, while visible swelling may take longer to subside. 

The Benefits of Breast Reduction Speak for Themselves

Breast reduction changes the lives of countless women, and informing yourself about the procedure is the best first step to ensuring that you, too, can enjoy those benefits. Then, you’ll simply need to seek a trusted surgeon who can guide you throughout this journey. 

All you need is the Pinnacle Plastic Surgery Approach!

By taking your needs, motivation, and desires into account from your very first consultation, the Pinnacle Plastic Surgery Approach with Dr. Klenke can put your mind at ease, and ensure that you always know the answers to every question. 

To schedule an appointment and see precisely what makes the Pinnacle Plastic Surgery approach such a great option for breast reduction, contact us at (843) 815-6699 or schedule a consultation online today.

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